Friday, March 18, 2011

National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence

Today is the first in Australia's new annual community campaign to address bullying and the focus for this year is bystander behaviour.

What does that mean?

It might seem like bullying concerns only the individual under attack but bullying involves us all. Bullying negatively impacts on everyone's environment, standing by and doing nothing effectively makes us bullies by association. We all have a role to play in ending bullying, a role that is more important than ever now that bullying can reach right into the victim's home via SMS, email and Facebook.

While much of the focus is on bullying at school, let's not forget that workplace bullying is also on the increase. A fact that is reflected in the number of clients with workplace bullying issues that I have seen in the past year. For a reminder on workplace bullying, see my earlier post.


Bullying? No Way! web site created by Australian educational communities
Parent tool kits and videos with leading child and adolescent psychologist Dr. Michael Carr-Gregg
Managing bullying at work, APS article
Workplace bullying, APS article


Dr. Deb said...

Wow, what a GREAT campaign!

Melanie Greenberg PhD said...

I think this is right on target with the focus on bystanders. Getting bystanders to feel a sense of responsibility and teaching them effective strategies to intervene is one of the best ways to reduce bullying.

kousalya said...

Interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you.

Child Care Australia

HP said...

Great campaign but it didn't get as much publicity as it should....

Kousalya...if you want to know more then best check out the web link in the post...will tell you all about the campaign and programs for school etc.