Monday, August 09, 2010


Paul Robert Eckna.
Denis Lavelle.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal."Source unknown.
This is one thing I said I would never forget to do, no matter how busy or hectic life was.

About this time in 2006, along with many fellow bloggers, I took part in the 2,996 project to remember those who lost their lives on September 11th.

I was assigned to post tributes to Paul and Denis. September 11th had a huge impact on me, even though I was half a world away. Taking part in the 2,996 project, learning a little about these two men, simply reinforced the sheer horror of that day and my resolution never to forget. I've often thought about Paul and Denis over the past year and I resolved that I would remember them both here every year.

Please join me in taking time to remember Paul and Denis over the next few days.


Anonymous said...

I remember when you posted about this last year. It seems so strange that 9/11 was seven years ago. It's a long time but doesn't seem that long ago. I guess that shows how much it horrified and impacted all of us.


shrink on the couch said...

Wow. The story of Denis is especially heartbreaking. So devoted to his widowed mother. Even his sister said he "never did a wrong thing in his life."

And then Paul, I'm struck by how young he was. How his life was just starting out. He didn't even reach 30. Forever young : (

Thanks for such a worthwhile post.

Dr. Deb said...

Thinking of you today....

Awake In Rochester said...

Very sweet of you! I like the little poam.

Bill Medifast said...

This was a hard day for all of us. I as well lost a very close person to me this day and he will never be forgotten. Such a great poem. They shall be remembered for the rest of our lives.

Cosmetic Surgery said...

Well you are saying quite right. Life becomes so hactic in these days. I need some time for myself but i can't able to find even a single minute.

buy soma online said...

I can't even forget that time. m friend bill is on that building and it is really a heart breaking experience for the fact that he just want to save our friend but it is too late too.

Alison said...

Very good of you to keep such memories alive.