Monday, March 05, 2007

Personality and depression

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In reviewing my selected website of the week, I found an interesting questionnaire hosted byThe Black Dog Institute, the Temperament and Personality Questionnaire. This questionnaire provides feedback on ten dimensions of personality that may be important in predisposition to non-melancholic depression. The questionnaire formed part of an earlier study on personality and response to treatment type by the Institute.

The survey is anonymous and feedback is provided for each personality dimension, along with an explanation of how that dimension may influence the risk of non-melancholic depression.

It is important to note, however, that a significant score on any particular dimension does not mean that depression will necessarily develop. Additionallly, the scale operates as a self-report mechanism and, as such, is subject to certain limitations.


jumpinginpuddles said...

wonder how it would work with people like us :o might just go there and find out hehehehee

Alison said...

A good questionairre, detailed and specific. Reliable too ( I would hope) since it's on The Black Dog website.

i.don't.wear.skinny.jeans said...

I really wanted to take that questionnaire, but darn I'm lazy...all those questions...I answered the first 5, then gave up. ack

Anonymous said...

Going over to take a look. Thanks HealthPsych!